Are There Any Campgrounds on the Blue Ridge Parkway That Have Wifi Signal

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Only campsites that meet at least one of the selected criteria will be displayed.





Access Road





Only campsites with all of the selected features will be displayed. Unselect all features to return to default settings.


RV Parking

Tent Camping






Horse Trails



Rock Climbing

Water Sports

Wildlife Viewing

Winter Sports


ADA accessible

BBQ Grill

Boat Ramp

Drinking Water

Dump Station


Fire Ring

Horse Corral


Near Water

Pay Phone

Pets Welcome

Picnic Tables




Shooting Range


Trash Cans

This data is not complete and many campsites will have more features than are listed here. If you have trouble finding a desired feature, you may need to disable the filter and research individual sites. We apologize for this reality check

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Camping near you. Find a Free Campsite

Whether you just need to know where to camp nearby or you want to plan a free camping road trip, we've got you covered. You can simply use your smart phone's GPS to find camping near you or even use our trip planner to plan your route from coast to coast.

Our community provides the best free camping information available. Free campgrounds can be hard to find. makes it easy. We give you a simple, map based search engine to find free and cheap camping areas. Community reviews and ratings provide you with up to date information and help you select the best camp site for your next camping trip.

This is a platform for sharing campgrounds and camp sites you have discovered. We are community driven, and while we will be adding many free camping spots, we hope that you will add some of your favorite camping places as well. By sharing camping information freely, we can all spend less time researching campgrounds, spend less money, and more time camping. If everyone contributes a few campsites, we'll all have more places to go camping.

Please come back and let us know what you find! User reviews help other campers decide on their next camping destination. The more information you have, the more informed your decisions.

Whether you enjoy tent camping, car camping or RV camping, our goal is to help you find the best places to go camping. We believe that free camping areas are often the most beautiful and peaceful camp sites. Our focus is on public lands. You own these lands and you are entitled to use them. We especially like camping on Forest Service land, BLM (Bureau of Land Management) areas, WMA's (Wildlife Management Areas) and county or city parks. We hope you enjoy the same style of camping.

We are not actively seeking Wal-Marts, truckstops or other parking lots and will not be adding very many of these. There are enough Wal-Mart and truck stop directories out there already. However, if a member of the community finds one of these locations to be useful for overnight RV parking and creates an entry, we may approve the listing.

Whether you just need to know where to camp nearby or you want to plan a free camping road trip, we've got you covered. You can simply use your smart phone's GPS to find camping near you or even use our trip planner to plan your route from coast to coast.

Our community provides the best free camping information available. Free campgrounds can be hard to find. makes it easy. We give you a simple, map based search engine to find free and cheap camping areas. Community reviews and ratings provide you with up to date information and help you select the best camp site for your next camping trip.

This is a platform for sharing campgrounds and camp sites you have discovered. We are community driven, and while we will be adding many free camping spots, we hope that you will add some of your favorite camping places as well. By sharing camping information freely, we can all spend less time researching campgrounds, spend less money, and more time camping. If everyone contributes a few campsites, we'll all have more places to go camping.

Please come back and let us know what you find! User reviews help other campers decide on their next camping destination. The more information you have, the more informed your decisions.

Whether you enjoy tent camping, car camping or RV camping, our goal is to help you find the best places to go camping. We believe that free camping areas are often the most beautiful and peaceful camp sites. Our focus is on public lands. You own these lands and you are entitled to use them. We especially like camping on Forest Service land, BLM (Bureau of Land Management) areas, WMA's (Wildlife Management Areas) and county or city parks. We hope you enjoy the same style of camping.

We are not actively seeking Wal-Marts, truckstops or other parking lots and will not be adding very many of these. There are enough Wal-Mart and truck stop directories out there already. However, if a member of the community finds one of these locations to be useful for overnight RV parking and creates an entry, we may approve the listing.

Our road trip planner is the best tool for planning your next vacation. We take the hassle and cost out of road trips by giving you easy to follow directions and combining them with FREE and low-cost camping destinations.

Tell us the route you want to take and we'll give you some suggestions for how to get there, along with free and low cost camping along the way. Our routes show total mileage as well as driving time and turn by turn directions. In most cases, we'll provide alternate routes as well.

Just add your must see destinations as extra stops along the way. If you like, we'll even optimize the route to save you driving time.

Don't like the route we've suggested? Check out the options to avoid highways and toll roads. You can even drag the route around if you see something interesting you'd like to check out.


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